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Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (BBA) in English

  • Título Oficial
  • Full Time
  • 240 ECTS
  • Sep. 2024
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This degree is taught in ENGLISH.

For many years, the degree in Business Administration and Management (BBA) has been at the top of the rankings providing a wide range of career opportunities. This degree will allow you to manage companies, turn an idea into a real business, or to begin your career in departments such as marketing, human resources, finance...

The Official Degree in Business Administration and Management + Expert Title in Exponential Business from EAE Business School Madrid will also allow you to respond to the changing, volatile, uncertain and ambiguous environment in which organizations currently operate. Therefore, we provide you with a 360º study plan, with a special focus on adapting to change, new technologies, digital environments and sustainability.



The Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management is an official degree from UNIE-Universidad Internacional de la Empresa, in collaboration with EAE Business School. This degree has been favorably evaluated by the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, verified by the Consejo de Universidades and registered in the Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT) of the Ministry of Universities. This official degree is valid in the countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Both institutions are part of Planeta Formación y Universidades.

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

Why the EAE Madrid Degree in Business Administration and Management

icono título experto

1. Official Degree + Expert Title in Exponential Business

Complement your formation with knowledge in Disruptive Leadership, IA for Business, Desing Thinking...

2. True Potential Experience

Combine the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration + Customized Professional Development Plan. During your 4 years will be guided by a True Potential Advisor, that will help you to find your true potential, to focus it and develop it.

icono potencial
icono empleabilidad

3. Employability

We have + 3,500 partner companies and + 50 employability events organized every year to help you get your career off the ground.

4. Entrepreneurship

57 accelerated projects, 38 projects in market and more than +3.887.000€ of investment in EAE accelerator projects. As a student you can join our EAE Lab and benefit from all our incubator and accelerator services.

icono emprendimiento
icono campus madrid

5. Residentials

Each year you will be able to acquire a differential value by having the opportunity to attend an outstanding residential. These will be held in Europe, USA and Asia.

Access to Numerous Professional Opportunities

What you study here and now will have an impact on your working life tomorrow. Start imagining your future, take a peek at the career opportunities that are waiting for you.

  • General Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Development Manager
  • Project manager

  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Digital Analyst
  • Social media Manager
  • Ecommerce Manager
  • Marketing Intelligence
  • Key Account Manager
  • Sales Manager

  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Planning Manager
  • Treasury and Credit Analyst
  • Auditor
  • Financial Controller
  • Banking and Financial Institutions

  • Human Resources Manager
  • Employer Branding Specialist
  • Learning and Development Specialist
  • Headhunter

  • Business consulting & advisory services
  • Public Administration
  • Official Agencies
  • International economic organisations
  • Teaching


Subject TypesECTS
Core 60
Obligatory 150
Elective 12
External Internship 6
Bachelor’s Thesis 12
Total Credits 240

SubjectFirst semesterSecond semesterTypeECTS
Administration and Business Management FundamentalsCore6
Business environment and negotiationCompulsory6
Business MathematicsCore6
Marketing BasicsCompulsory6
Introduction to EconomicsCore6
Consumer BehaviourCompulsory6
Financial Accounting ICore6
Creativity and innovation in new environmentsCompulsory6
Introduction to Law



SubjectThird semesterFourth semesterTypeECTS
Organisation and internal managementCompulsory6
Communication skills in businessCompulsory6
Financial Accounting IICore6
Market researchCompulsory6
Business EnglishCompulsory6
Economic and business forecastsCompulsory6
Company LawCore6
Innovation managementCompulsory6

SubjectFifth semesterSixth semesterTypeECTS
Methods and techniques of analysis and use of informationCompulsory6
Setting up and managing a companyCompulsory6
Commercial Management and SalesCompulsory6
Human resources managementCompulsory6
Financial ManagementCompulsory6
Sustainability management and business resilienceCompulsory6
Business TaxationCompulsory6
Logistics and business operationsCompulsory6
Management skillsCompulsory6
Business IntelligenceCompulsory6

SubjectSeventh semesterEighth semesterTypeECTS
Corporate Responsibility and Gender PerspectiveCompulsory6
International Business ManagementCompulsory6
Digital CommunicationCompulsory6
Strategic ManagementCompulsory6
Entrepreneurship and New Business ModelsCompulsory6
Digital Business and StartupsCompulsory6
Corporate ExcellenceElective6
External InternshipInternship6
Bachelor’s ThesisTFG12


Access to the official Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management

To access the qualification program to become a Graduate of Business Administration and Management, candidates must fulfil the conditions for accessing official undergraduate tuition programs and complete the admission procedures for public Spanish universities, as stipulated in the applicable legislation.

The following overview lists the conditions and characteristics considered suitable for candidates taking this Bachelor Degree.

    • Students who hold the High School Baccalaureate Diploma of the Spanish education system or another recognized equivalent qualification.
    • Students who hold the European or International High School Baccalaureate.
    • Students who hold a High School Baccalaureate qualification, diploma or certification issued by the education system of a Member State of the European Union or another state with which Spain has signed an international agreement in this respect on a reciprocal basis.
    • Students who hold a qualification, diploma or study certification with accredited equivalence with the High School Baccalaureate Diploma of the Spanish education system, obtained or completed in the education system in a state that is not a member of the European Union and with which Spain has not signed an international agreement for the recognition of such qualifications on a reciprocal basis, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.


    • Students who hold an official Advanced Vocational Training qualification, or Advanced Vocational Art and Design qualification, or Advanced Sport qualification within the Spanish education system, or a qualification, diploma or study certification declared equivalent to the aforementioned qualifications, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.
    • Students who hold a qualification, diploma or study certification other than the equivalent of a High School Baccalaureate, Advanced Vocational Training qualification, or Advanced Vocational Art and Design qualification, or Advanced Sport qualification within the Spanish education system obtained or completed in a Member State of the European Union or another state with which Spain has signed an international agreement in this respect on a reciprocal basis, on the condition that the students in question fulfil the academic requirements stipulated in the other state to entitle the student to access undergraduate studies.
    • People over twenty-five years old who pass the access examination established in this Royal Decree.
    • Students who hold an official university Bachelor Degree, Master degree or equivalent qualification.
    • Students who hold an official university qualification (university diploma, Technical Architecture or Engineering Diploma, Bachelor Degree, or Architecture or Engineering Diploma) corresponding to the previous university education system, or an equivalent qualification.
    • Students who have partially completed university studies in Spain or abroad or who have completed foreign university studies that have not been recognized for equivalence accreditation in Spain, and who want to continue their studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it is an essential requirement that the student has earned at least 30 ECTS credits in their previous studies at the corresponding university.
    • Students who met the criteria to access university studies in accordance with previous structures of the Spanish education system prior to Organic Law 8/2013, of 9th December.
    • Any other circumstance stipulated in the applicable legislation.
  • Respecto a las actitudes o intereses que se recomienda poseer a la hora de iniciar el grado, se resaltan los siguientes: 

    • Capacidad e interés por la resolución de problemas.
    • Interés por la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas y creativas.
    • Capacidad de estudio, comprensión, crítica y desarrollo de opinión propia. 
    • Capacidad para el razonamiento lógico y abstracto.
    • Capacidad para el uso y aplicación de técnicas cuantitativas.
    • Facilidad de comunicación y trabajo en equipo.
    • Interés por la constante búsqueda de innovación, organización y planificación.
    • Ganas de crecer y espíritu emprendedor.

Enjoy where you are – EAE Madrid

You are embarking on a new stage that will shape your future. To enable you to reach your full potential at EAE Madrid, we offer you an experience that combines the Bachelor Degree with a personalized professional development plan, guided by True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.

The True Potential Advisor will accompany you throughout your four years at EAE, starting with a phase of self-knowledge to identify your strengths and areas for improvement, to then design a plan to work on them. This is followed by a second phase in which you build your personal strategy and career plan, then a third and fourth action phase that will combine classes, lectures, workshops, culinary events, sessions with expert panels, networking, culture, challenges, Company Meetings, Alumni Talk and much more.

All this in Madrid, one of Europe’s great cities that attracts all the leading companies, the country’s business centre and one of its most important educational hubs.

Are you ready?

EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.