Master in Management
Business Management 

Master in Management

  • Titulación oficial
  • Full Time
  • 60 ECTS
  • Abr. 2025 - 10 months
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This master's degree is taught in SPANISH

Business Management & Business Analytics: the perfect combination

Designed for recent graduates or young professionals with an average of 2 years’ experience, the Master in Management and Business Analytics of EAE Business School Madrid is an exclusive official program for a new generation of managers, combining the core part of an MBA with a Business Analytics module focusing on the latest trends that leading companies are implementing.

Find your own path and start to change whatever you want to change.



On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Management from EAE Business School and the Master in Management from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE) and the Specialization Title in Data-Driven Organizations from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE).

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

*Official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and SUNEDU.

Reasons to take this master

in EAE Business School
  1. A Pre-Experience MBA: Embark on your professional career by laying the foundations to become a transformational leader. The MBA module gives you a 360º overview of the company and how the organization works, without the need for years of experience.
  2. Business & Business Analytics: In a business landscape un which information is value, it is no longer enough just to have knowledge of business management, but you also these experts must be able to make decisions based on data analytics. This has been proven to improve their effectiveness.
  3. Study while you work: We believe that the best way to tackle the world of employment is to fully immerse yourself in it. With this in mind, our practical methodology will equip you to make business decisions and solve problems successfully.
  4. Networking: Meet professionals with the ambition to become the leaders of the future. Work alongside students of different nationalities and build friendships that will boost your career now and the future.
  5. A bit more data: The Specialization course on Business Analytics offered on this course will enhance your employability by combining business management with knowledge of data and technology, both of which are in high demand on the market.
  6. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Management with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
best master in management in Spain

Forbes Ranking 2024

best Business school in Spain

MERCO Talent Ranking 2023

Top 14
business school in the world/Europe

El Economista Ranking 2022

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International Participants
2 years
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Average professional experience
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  • Current economic environment, with a focus on developed vs. emerging markets.
  • Geoeconomy and business decisions. opportunities for global companies.
  • Key challenges for companies in an increasingly divided environment (the two blocs). The triangle LATAM, USA and China.
  • Geopolitics vs un-globalization and its impact on businesses.
  • Globalization: current state and challenges. impact on the global supply chain.
  • Interdependence and global companies. Globalisation and business strategies. globalisation and business strategies, in-bound strategies in emerging markets.

  • Strategic planning: theories, concepts, and tools.
  • Competitiveness in international markets.
  • Corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
  • Integration of sustainability and business strategy and sustainable business models at a global level.
  • Business ethics and decision-making.
  • Measurement and reporting of sustainability impact.

  • Introduction to personal and professional development applied to executive and responsibility roles.
  • Self-awareness and self-reflection.
  • Goal setting and time management.
  • Personal branding.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Building and managing relationships.
  • Emotional intelligence.
  • Leadership and teamwork.
  • Problem solving and decision making.
  • Career planning.
  • Personal and professional development planning.

  • Advanced financial analysis. Preparation and analysis of financial statements.
  • Asset valuation and business valuation.
  • Investment analysis and risk analysis.
  • Financing financing.
  • Financial policy planning for the company.
  • Green bonds and esg criteria.
  • The impact of technologies on financial decision-making.

  • Strategic marketing and value creation.
    • Market research and consumer behaviour.
    • Behavioural economics in the impact on marketing strategies in go-tomarket models.
    • Segmentation, targeting, and microtargetting.
    • Diferentiation and positioning: advanced technoques and new trends.
    • Marketing strategies. Creation of value proposals y marketing policies.
    • Marketing policies: the 8Ps.
  • Data-driven marketing.
    • Data analysis.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
Module 6

  • Characteristics and advantages of data-driven organisations.
  • Data collection and storage.
  • Data analysis and advanced statistics.
  • Data visualisation.
  • Ethics and accountability in the use of data.
  • Data-driven decision making.
  • Data project management.
  • Leadership in data-driven organisations.
  • Industrial applications of data.
Module 7

  • Operations Strategy in a disruptive global environment: Objectives and fundamental decisions.
  • Operational management of the Global Supply Chain at the strategic level.
  • Operational management of the Global Supply Chain at the tactical level.
  • Resource allocation and reallocation: Theory of Constraints and Learning Curves.
  • Operational management of strategic outsourcing.
  • Operational management of E-Commerce companies: Logistics marketing.
  • Logistics sustainability and quality management.
  • Technological innovation in the Operations area.
  • Information systems in the Operations area.
  • Decision-making in the Operations area.
Module 8

  • Organisational models, contemporary and future trends: the need to adapt to a changing organisational landscape.
  • Strategies for building and managing effective teams.
  • Organisational learning, knowledge management and innovation.
  • Diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Employee engagement, motivation and performance.
  • Understanding the role of managers: skills, knowledge and decision making.
  • Leadership styles and their impact on conflict resolution and building positive workplace relationships.
  • The regulatory, legal and ethical framework.

External Internship – 6 ECTS


Master’s Thesis – 6 ECTS

Module 11

  • Principles of data science and data analysis applied to business analytics.
  • Understanding corporate data: categories, sources, formats and databases relevant to business analytics.
  • Telling stories with data: effectively conveying analytical findings to facilitate business decision making.
  • Data-driven business management.
  • Programming methods and machine learning applied to business contexts.
  • Overview of the data science ecosystem: introduction to programming languages, visualisation tools, databases and solutions for handling big data.
  • Use of artificial intelligence, neural networks and natural language processing in business decisions.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Global Strategies

Build strategies to achieve the organization’s goals, overseeing information techniques and sources, identifying new opportunities and adapting the business policies to each company.

2. Leadership in organizations

Gain capacities that will help you exercise leadership in a company, such as teamwork, motivation, communication, business ethics and social responsibility.

3. New trends

Spot the opportunities and risks of the latest business trends. Develop the power to anticipate and adapt to change in order to enhance the competitiveness in the company.


Irene Talavera Fabra

Irene Talavera Fabra

Innovation Researcher at Henley Business School.

Alejandro de Pablo

Alejandro De Pablo Cabrera

Business Unit Manager - Saludabit at OCU.


Luis Eugenio Carretero Díaz

Founding partner of C&C Consultores de Sistemas Empresariales.


José Fernández Tamames

Chief Technology Officer at Co.Ingenia (EPM, Enterprise Project Management).


Francisco Javier Peña

He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of IT consulting.

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you.

    • CEO
    • General Director
    • Strategic Director
    • Digital Transformation Manager
    • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
    • Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
  • General access criteria:

    The following specific qualifications entitle candidates to access the Master:

    • Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management
    • Bachelor Degree in Financial and Actuarial Economics
    • Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Finance
    • Bachelor Degree in Tourism
    • Bachelor Degree in Political Science and Public Administration
    • Bachelor Degree in Marketing
    • Bachelor Degree in Economics
    • Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization
    • Double Degrees in Law and Business Administration

    Other Bachelor Degrees or official qualifications whose syllabus includes courses on business and economics.

    To take the Master, students must previously have been admitted by the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa, in accordance with the specific admission requirements and merit evaluation criteria stipulated.

    The Academic Committee of the Master is responsible for evaluating the applications and making a decision on the candidates’ admission. The Committee will publish the specific admission requirements and merit evaluation and candidate selection criteria before the start of the general pre-registration period for University Masters, through the channels considered most appropriate.

EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.