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Marc Murtra, the Executive President of the Board of Directors of Indra, patron of the Graduation Ceremony of EAE Business School Madrid

EAE Madrid brings together more than 1,100 students and 125 companies at EAE Talent 24 in the Civitas Metropolitano
Experts discuss the role of women in the professional sphere in a round table “Women Leading: Navigating in Public Spaces"
Liderazgo femeninoThe Deputy Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Community of Madrid, Daniel Martínez, inaugurates EAE Madrid’s Cultural Accelerator
EAE Emprende
EAE Madrid participates as a driver and agent within the startup ecosystem at the International Startup Ecosystem Congress

Antonio Budia, Microsoft en España: “la IA está para quedarse y debe ser utilizada de manera responsable”

Christopher Aguilar, CGO de La Martinuca: ¿Puede una tortilla conquistar el mundo? Una masterclass sobre New Product Development

Exponential Space is born at EAE Business School Madrid: a hub of innovation, education, and exponential technologies.