Máster Big Data y Analytics
Tech & Data Management

Master in Big Data & Analytics

  • Young Professional
  • Full Time
  • 60 ECTS
  • OCT. 2024 - 10 months
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This master's degree is taught in SPANISH

Nowadays, information has an immeasurable value. Companies want to capitalize on this fact and, to do so, they are implementing tools related to big data.

This implementation requires qualified professionals who extract and analyse data effectively to gather relevant information for the company. Currently, in view of this need, jobs associated with data analysis, data science and big data are in extremely high demand from companies.

The Master in Big Data & Analytics of EAE Business School Madrid is designed from a technical perspective, immersing you fully in the world of technological tools and elements related to big data (Python, Tableau and the Anaconda environment) and you will lead the way in obtaining maximum profitability and efficiency through data processing.

At the same time, this Master will give you a broad overview of the business world, to complement the technical side.

As a result, through the symbiosis between technology and management, you will be able to forge your own path professionally and develop projects with the aid of technology. Moreover, you will be able to make efficient decisions in any company, in a cutting-edge and innovative field, as well as having great professional prospects.


On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Big Data & Analytics from EAE Business School and the Master in Big Data & Analytics from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

*Official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and SUNEDU.

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Reasons to take this master

in EAE Business School
  1. In-house business incubator:  You will have the support of EAE Lab, our own business incubator, which provides you with the learning resources, financing and guidance required to transform promising ideas into real business ventures.
  2. Specialist Software:  You will have access to free licences and the opportunity to use Data Warehousing, Analytics and Machine Learning tools technologies, such as Microsoft and Qlik tools, and languages including SQL and Python.
  3. Business networking:  You will have the opportunity to expand your network of professional contacts, building relationships with your classmates and meeting executives from leading companies in the sector, such as Cepsa, Cabify, Everis, Volvo and SAP, to name just a few.
  4. Expert faculty:  Our lecturers are executives and professionals who really know the reality of the business world, and researcher who give you key insights through their studies and publications.
  5. Theory put into practice:  You will tackle real situations and cases in which you have to make decisions, preparing your to succeed in modern professional and executive contexts, developing your critical thinking and problem-solving capacity.
  6. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Big Data & Analytics with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.



  • Foundations of Big Data Technology - 6 ECTS
    • Introduction to Big Data. Data sources in Big Data environments.
    • Data structures and technologies for selecting useful data. Data quality criteria in Big Data.
    • Tracking, processing, indexing and retrieval techniques for structured and unstructured information. Key scraping and crawling strategies.
    • Design and exploitation of warehousing systems and Big Data management.
    • Warehousing systems for Big Data. Distributed systems. CAP theorem.
    • Most widely used data modelling paradigms in the Big Data environment: SQL and NoSQL
    • Big Data technological solutions available.
    • Security risks and measures in Big Data. Legislation and Big Data
    • Intellectual property in relation to the development of Big Data projects. Anonymization, privacy by design and risk analysis (Privacy Impact Assessment).
    • Privacy and Big Data. Personal data protection in Spain.
    • Ensuring the security of information in Big Data environments. Information leaks.
  • Processing Big Data - 6 ECTS
    • Introduction to cloud technologies and services in Big Data analysis.
    • Development of scalable applications.
    • Types of Big Data processing for modelling business logic: batch, streaming, Lambda and Kappa architectures.
    • MapReduce processing model.
    • High-level tools and languages for Big Data processing.
    • Application of cloud solutions for Big Data processing.
    • Design of a Big Data solution.
  • Cloud Computing - 6 ECTS
    • Infrastructure virtualization: Local vs Cloud infrastructure, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Public vs Private Cloud, Platform as a service (PaaS).
    • Hybrid clouds. Federated clouds. Cloud standards.
    • Containers: Containers vs virtual machines, Standardized containers, Docker Containers.
    • Application design in containers.
    • Development and application deployment for the cloud: methodologies.
    • Deployment automation tools.
Module 2

  • Advanced statistics and data mining - 6 ECTS
    • Complex data description and modelling techniques.
    • Regression models. Regularization: ridge and lasso.
    • Core and spline methods. Loss function.
    • Bayesian learning: Bayesian analysis, Bayesian inference, MCMC methods, Bayesian modelling and inference, Bayesian hierarchical models.
    • Probabilistic graphical models: Bayesian, Markov chains, Kalman filters, belief networks.
    • Modelling probability density functions.
    • Time series: introduction, decomposition, moving averages, ARIMA, stationarity, prediction
    • Optimization for large volumes of data: linear programming. Quadratic programming.
    • Non-linear programming. Heuristics. Metaheuristics.
    • Data mining processes.
    • KDD process.
    • Data pre-processing techniques.
    • Classification methods.
    • Recommendation systems.
    • Cube data analysis and mining models.
    • Model evaluation and selection: confusion matrix, metrics, costs. ROC curves.
  • Data visualization - 6 ECTS
    • Visualization.
    • Tools for processed data visualization.
    • Dynamic data visualization.
    • Types of data visualization according to analysis needs.
    • Detecting outliers. Structuring and characterizing distributions. Locating anomalies.
    • Detecting groupings and correlations.
    • Dashboard design using visualization tools.
    • Visualization tools.
    • Examples of map visualizations.
    • Layouts and exporting the result of visualization to a PDF file, Bitmaps and SVG.
Module 3

  • Business Intelligence solutions - 6 ECTS
    • Analysis of the business landscape
    • Information formats for strategic and tactical decisions.
    • Business Intelligence systems.
    • Scope of Business Intelligence
    • ETL tools and techniques.
    • Indicators for business modelling and selecting indicators.
    • Business Intelligence system conceptualization and design.
    • Methodology for the development and administration of the life cycle of Business Intelligence solutions.
    • Architecture and components of Business Intelligence solutions.
    • Data warehouse design. Data marts and Data warehousing.
    • Data extraction and exploitation processes.
    • Reporting with Business Intelligence. Pre-defined reports, ad-hoc reports, queries (Query Tools), OLAP cubes (Online Analytic Processing) and alerts.
    • Executive Information Systems (EIS).
    • Decision Support Systems (DSS).
    • Enterprise Project Management.
  • Data Science for strategic decision-making - 6 ECTS
    • Statistics for business and Business Intelligence.
    • Information as the base for strategic decision-making.
    • Analysis of the competitive environment. Competitive intelligence.
    • Strategy design and alternative simulation.
    • Indicator, report and dashboard design.
    • Strategic management control indicators. Generating KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
    • The corporate Dashboard concept.
    • Design and implantation of a Dashboard. Strategic maps.
    • Financial analysis with Big Data.
    • Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
    • Business Process Management (BPM).

  • Internships in a company - 6 ECTS
Module 5

  • Master’s Thesis - 6 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Technological and business innovation 

You will discover the technological and business application of Big Data in depth.

2. Business Intelligence based on Data Analytics   

You will develop the technological and management competencies required to lead teams and projects in the field of Data Analytics.

3. Big Data Tools 

You will become proficient in the use of key tools for data analysis in the modern business world.


José Luis Martínez

José Luis Martínez

Co-Founder, Business Developer and Business Consultant at Ensaco Eficiencia Energética S.L. Engineering Diploma from Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Master in Logistics and Master in Industrial Organization Engineering.


César del Olmo Arribas

National Head of Business Development for Smart Cities and Outsourcing at Telefónica, a company he has been linked to for 27 years in various roles of responsibility. PhD in Marketing from the Universidad Complutense. Telecommunications Engineering Diploma from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.


Paola Cortés Díaz

Lawyer. Master in Law from IE. Advisor in International Relations and Government at Industria y Comunicacion S.A.


Carlos Enrique Viveros Pineda

He has worked as a System Analyst at Savia Salud Eps. Master in Big Data and Analytics from EAE Business School. Health Information System Management, Computer Programming, specific software from the Universidad de Antioquia.


Pilar Lacasa

Emeritus Professor of Audiovisual Communication. Universidad de Alcalá.


Eduardo Vicente Menéndez

Sales Engineer and Customer Success Manager at Lang.ai and Co-founder of Negociacar. Telecommunications Engineering Diploma from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you.

    • IT Business Partner
    • Big Data Consultant
    • Business Intelligence & Data
    • Analytics Consultant
    • Business Analyst
    • Project Management for BI Projects
    • Data Architect
    • Data Scientist
    • Digital Transformation Manager
  • The profile of students who take the Master in Big Data & Analytics is very diverse, although candidates tend to be graduates of certain qualifications, preferably from the fields of engineering or science, such as those listed below, who will have acquired certain knowledge, attitudes and initial capacities that ensure their suitability for the Master:

    • Bachelor Degree in Data Science or equivalent.
    • Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering and equivalent qualifications from the former system of higher education. 
    • Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications Engineering and equivalent qualifications from the former system of higher education. 

    Students with other qualifications will be considered for access, such as graduates with a Bachelor Degree, University Diploma or other undergraduate qualification in Mathematics or Physics (or equivalent), and Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Engineering not related to Information and Communication Technologies. In order to rectify any educational gaps that there may be in each case, based on the students’ previous qualification and professional experience, the students will be required to complete supplementary training courses before starting the Master.

EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.