Máster en Comunicación Corporativa
Marketing & Digital Transformation

Master in Corporate & Digital Communication

  • Young Professional
  • Full Time - Spanish
  • 60 ECTS
  • OCT. 2024 - 10 months
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This master's degree is taught in SPANISH

The implementation of the digital sphere and consumers socializing through social media has generated a highly changeable landscape that affects any company’s communication. The new communication culture requires increasingly creative, perfectionist professionals with a great innovation mindset.

The Master in Corporate & Digital Communication of EAE Business School Madrid will equip you with an integrated overview of all the latest communication techniques and tools. At the end of the program, you will be a professional with the power to perfect communication strategies in an innovative way, particularly taking into account all the channels used by your target audience.

For the tenth year in a row, this Master has been named as the Best Communication Master in Spain by El Mundo in 2023. It will prepare you to take on all kinds of challenges and tasks in a digitized world, based on the skills and knowledge required to drive your organization forward and set it apart.


On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Corporate & Digital Communication from EAE Business School and the Master in Corporate & Digital Communication from Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

*Official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and SUNEDU.

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Reasons to take this master

in EAE Business School
  1. Brand strategy:  You will learn to develop a corporate image based on conveying the organization’s values through its communication strategies, achieving better performance for the brand.
  2. Prestigious partners:  EAE Madrid works with Spain’s leading communication associations, including DIRCOM, ADECEC, CORPORATE EXCELLENCE, AM and AEA.
  3. Digital world:  The digital sphere has an ever-increasing impact on our everyday lives. With this in mind, you are going to gain a command of these trends and their impact on communication.
  4. Business Networking:  You have the opportunity to expand your network of professional contacts by attending a series of conferences with executives from leading companies, as well as building bonds with your classmates at the School.
  5. Growing demand Communication professionals are in ever-greater demand in companies, experience in CSR strategies who strive to strengthen the company’s stakeholder relations.
  6. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Corporate & Digital Communication with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
Top 1
Master in Communication in Spain

El Mundo Ranking 2023

Top 26
Master in Communication in Europe

Eduniversal Ranking 2022

Best Business School in Spain
Student Profile
Icono mundo
International participants
2 years
Icono maletín
Average professional experience
Icono mujer
Icono hombre


Module 1

  • Executive Skills and Business Ethics – 3 ECTS
    • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.
    • Ethical quality in organizations: purposes and resources of organizations with ethical quality.
    • What is the organization responsible for? Ethical legitimacy
    • Who is the organization responsible to?
    • How to act with Social Responsibility: Ethical social action.
    • Ethics in organizations: Building trust.
    • Communication as a tool: Persuading versus convincing and manipulating.
    • Work teams. Effective formation and leadership of work teams.
    • Motivating people and teams. The ethical dimension of motivation.
    • Commitment in organizations with ethical quality.
    • Parameters of ethical behaviour in the new Human Resources Management.
    • Empowerment.
    • Coaching as an imaging creating tool.
    • Creating a culture and working atmosphere focused on ethics and CSR.
    • Occupational wellbeing and healthy organizations.
    • Personal brand development and own career management.
    • Time management.
    • Project presentation and meeting management.
  • Corporate Governance, Strategy and Business Model: Competing on Intangibles – 6 ECTS
    • Corporate governance, social responsibility and sustainability.
    • Compliance management.
    • Good governance systems.
    • Profitability of ethic behaviour for companies.
    • Identifying responsible economic management criteria for the business.
    • The value of intangibles.
    • Branding and positioning.
    • Strategic design for innovation.
    • Social responsibility and social business innovation.
    • The impact of CSR on competitive strategies.
    • The impact of CSR on corporate strategies.
    • Social and environmental commitment and decisions regarding growth, diversification and restructuring.
    • Defining target markets, differentiation and positioning goals. Marketing planning and strategies and strategic product decisions.
    • Reasons to research for a CSR perspective.
    • Detecting opportunities and threats related to CSR.
    • Emerging markets in terms of sustainability.
    • Blue oceans: redefining market borders.
    • Competitive intelligence tools for market analysis.
  • Responsible Marketing and Reputation Management - 3 ECTS
    • Traditional and digital marketing strategy and planning.
    • Marketing and ethical conduct: Regulation and self-regulation.
    • Principles and regulations for responsible marketing.
    • Responsible consumption.
    • Corporate culture and marketing. Ethical principles and marketing.
    • Background of corporate reputation.
    • Reputation analysis in organizations.
    • Identifying, gathering, analysing and evaluating key reputation factors.
    • Strategic reputational plan.
    • Identifying, evaluating and weighting key reputation elements.
    • Formulation of the reputational vision, mission and objectives, based on the prioritization and relationships with the stakeholders.
    • Choosing the way to approach and manage reputation.
    • Planning actions based on optimizing available resources with the aim of enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of reputation management.
    • Identifying, gathering, analysing and weighting internal reputation variables.
    • Internal reputation plan.
    • Reputational risk prevention.
    • Identifying points of uncertainty regarding weaknesses or potential threats in relation to reputation.
    • Weighted scoring of reputational risk.
    • Strategies for managing and mitigating reputational risk.
    • The role and degree of involvement of all the resources available for the organization.
    • Reputation metrics.
    • Reputation dashboard.
    • Reputation audits.
    • Reputation rankings.
Module 2

  • Corporate Culture – 3 ECTS
    • Fundamental foundations of the brand. Difference with the product.
    • Brand dimensioning. Values, attributes and personality.
    • Brand equity.
    • The brand construction and management process: Branding.
    • Corporate communication guidelines: Corporate image and identity.
    • The corporate identity charter. Brand identity versus brand image.
    • Corporate identity, strategic positioning and reputation.
    • Corporate image audiences.
    • Corporate identity management guidelines.
    • Foundations of naming and briefing.
    • Corporate visual identity: Logos and isotypes.
    • Visual identity and style guide.
    • Brand strategies.
    • Co-branding. Tools for boosting positioning between two brands.
    • Emotional branding and brand experiences.
    • Brand ambassadors.
    • Corporate image auditing.
    • Coolhunting and trends applied to the corporate image.
    • Corporate image consultancy.
    • The image consultant as an events organizer.
    • Aligning the personal brand and the corporate identity
    • Registering trade marks and legal effects.
  • Corporate Branding – 6 ECTS
    • Types and models of organizational culture.
    • Influence of the culture on value creation in the company.
    • Corporate culture, talent attraction and retention.
    • Corporate volunteering and pride of belonging.
    • Wearing the company t-shirt: Employee identification.
    • Corporate culture and brand management.
    • Employees as brand champions.
    • Construction of the corporate culture.
    • Developing the mission, vision and values.
    • The relationship between values, decisions and behaviours.
    • Personal and corporate values: alignment and conflict.
    • Identifying core values.
    • From values to commitment.
    • Managing cultural differences.
    • Committed companies and organizational learning.
    • Negotiation and cultural conflict resolution.
    • Engagement in work.
    • Elements that harm wellbeing in the workplace. Toxic organizations.
    • Occupational health and safety.
    • Occupational stress, aggression in the workplace and psychological bullying.
    • Burnout syndrome.
    • Workaholism and the mental workload.
    • Occupational clinical psychology.
    • The American Psychological Association’s Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program.
    • Organizational tools for achieving organizational health.
    • Psychosocial risk assessment as a management tool.
    • Occupational risk prevention policy. Certification systems.
    • Proposals for intervention on the decisive aspects of occupational quality of life in organizations.
    • Work-life balance policies and structures.
    • Stress reduction programs.
    • Equal opportunity and non-discrimination programs for gender or other reasons.
    • Positive tools for building healthy organizations. Appreciative inquiry. Resilience and occupational health.
    • Cultural change plans.
    • Cultural change management models.
    • Internal branding. Strategies for boosting employer loyalty.
    • Internal branding strategy planning.
    • Auditing the culture and internal branding
Module 3

  • Communication Management and Strategies – 3 ECTS
    • The four basic pillars of communication.
    • The role of the communication manager.
    • The Director of Communication (DIRCOM)
    • The role of the organization’s spokesperson.
    • Creativity and message strategy.
    • Storytelling management
    • Creating an audience map.
    • Creating the communication plan.
  • Strategic Media Planning – 3 ECTS
    • Planning a media strategy.
    • Negotiation and media buying.
    • Key factors of strategic on/off planning.
    • External communication instruments.
    • Internal communication instruments.
    • Offline and online communication tools.
    • Social briefing.
    • Communication 2.0. Social media.
    • Alternative communication. Buzz marketing, cross marketing and street marketing.
    • Crisis communication. Pre-crisis management. Mid-crisis communication.
    • Commercial and promotional strategies.
    • Contracting advertising in industrial markets.
    • Digitization, interactivity and audience fragmentation. Smart television.
    • Conditioning factors of advertising efficacy. Measuring the return on investment.
    • Legislation.
    • The public relations program. Events organization.
    • Personal communication techniques. Public speaking.
  • Social Media Management – 3 ECTS
    • Online communication strategy.
    • Community Manager: Functions and tools.
    • Social media strategy.
    • Corporate blog strategy.
    • New media strategy. Mobile marketing.
    • Internet marketing: viral marketing, social marketing and geolocation marketing.
    • Search engine positioning: Display, SEO, SEM and SMO.
    • Web monitoring tools. Social monitoring tools.
    • Web and social media analytics platforms and tools. Blog analytics.
    • Online reporting. Dashboard and KPIs
  • Stakeholder Communication Management - 3 ECTS
    • Stakeholder dialogue.
    • Stakeholder identification and relation methodologies.
    • Selecting the best tools for each stakeholder.
    • Guiding principles for stakeholder relations.
    • Description, understanding and prioritization of stakeholders.
    • Identifying key issues.
    • Consumer communication: positioning and generating loyalty.
    • Employee communication. Internal communication plan.
    • Institutional communication. Media relations management.
    • Institutional relations, events and protocol. Organizing public events.
    • Introduction to the concepts of lobbying and public affairs.
    • Community relations. Licence to operate.
    • Local and international development.
    • Investor relations. Trust management.
    • Reaching stakeholders through sponsorship, patronage and philanthropy.
Module 4

  • CSR Organization and Implementation – 3 ECTS
    • CSR development.
    • Concept of CSR and related terms.
    • Foundations and principles of CSR. Applicable regulatory and legislative framework.
    • Benefits and risks of CSR.
    • Strategic and tactical integration of CSR in the company.
    • Opinion-leading bodies in the field of CSR.
    • CSR management systems.
    • Main CSR standards and directives.
    • CSR regulations and codes of conduct: Accountability (AA1000), standard SA8000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), standard SGE 21, ISO 26000, Aenor’s IQNET SR 10. SA 8000, Global Compact
  • Responsible Resource, Process and People Management – 6 ECTS
    • Dimensions of CSR
    • The social dimension of CSR
    • New ways of generating loyalty: equality and work-life balance plans, professional development plans.
    • Diversity and equality management.
    • Work-life balance plans.
    • Fair operating practices.
    • Respecting human rights.
    • The economic dimension of CSR.
    • Socially responsible investment. Sustainable finance. Ethical banking. Microfinancing.
    • Supply chain management from a sustainability perspective.
    • Quality management systems.
    • Occupational health and safety.
    • Green economy and reverse logistics.
    • Environmental responsibility and sustainability.
    • System standardization and certification.
    • Integrated quality, environmental and occupational risk prevention systems.
  • CSR Evaluation, Reporting and Communication – 3 ECTS
    • Social auditing.
    • Corporate diplomacy: Professional profile and implementation.
    • Legal and regulatory framework of non-financial information.
    • Non-financial information reporting standards.
    • Integration of financial and non-financial information.
    • Corporate responsibility communication plan.
    • The brand reputation code.
    • Current reporting as part of the corporate information system.
    • Environmental reports and certifications.
    • Communicating sustainability.
    • The process of drafting a sustainability report in line with GRI.
    • The G4 standard and the transition towards the SRS (Sustainability Reporting Standards).
    • Sustainability reports.
    • The non-financial balance sheet.
    • The Transparency and Access to Public Information Act.
    • Governance and accountability in public administrations.
  • Community Management and CSR – 3 ECTS
    • The world 3.0. Companies responding to the challenge of the digital economy.
    • Key-trends in e-marketing.
    • Online reputation structure and determining factors.
    • Construction and destruction of the online reputation,
    • Customer-oriented management: Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to create value.
    • Branding and positioning on search engines and social media.
    • Introduction to Online Reputation Management (ORM).
    • Types/classification of online reputation.
    • Agents, tools and platforms involved in and influencing online reputation.
    • Formats and media.
    • User-Generated Content (UGC)/Consumer-Generated Media (CGM).
    • Types of user.
    • Evaluating the message and level of impact.
    • Extension: scope of impact, speed.
    • Online Reputation Management techniques and tools.
Module 6

  • Internship in companies– 6 ECTS
Module 7

  • Master’s Thesis – 15 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Reputation and Brand

Oversee your brand’s alignment with the overall strategy to maximize its impact with all stakeholders.

2. Digital Impact

Gain a comprehensive overview of all the communication techniques and tools to be able to align them with all the digital technologies and media to consolidate an effective strategy.

3. Functions and procedures

Planning, organizing, executing and overseeing the company’s internal and external communication, both offline and online, by developing functions and procedures.


Mencía de Garcillán

Mencía de Garcillán

Head of the Marketing and Training Department of Laboratorios Esseka.

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Director of Marketing, Communication and Sales at EAE Business School Madrid.

Georgina Barquin

Georgina Barquin

Smartlife Training & Coaching Director

Foto Trinidad Yera Cuesta

Trinidad Yera

D. in Political Science and Sociology. Outstanding "cum laude". PhD in Political Science

Lisardo de Pedro

Lisardo de Pedro

Bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Humershide, Master in Commercial Management and Marketing (GESCO) from ESIC and Rey Juan Calos Uniiversity, Master in Financial Management (MDF) from ESIC, Bachelor in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC, and PhD in Legal and Social Sciences.

Joan Roca

Joan Roca

He divides his professional activity between marketing consultancy, photography and teaching.

Eduardo Correa

Eduardo Correa

Managing Partner of Ephemeral Life, Consulting and Business Management. 

Degree in Business Management and Marketing, Graduate in Marketing and Executive MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School. Master in Communication and New Technologies Management from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. PhD in Information Science from UCM. 


Juan Luis González

Degree in Business Management and Marketing from ESIC, Honours Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University if Lincolnshire & Humberside. Currently General Manager at Orange 3 and Director of R* Publicidad, an advertising and media agency.


Carlos Salas

Former editor-in-chief of the Economy and International sections of El Mundo. 

Communication and Storytelling trainer.


Ángel Moreno

D. in Financial and Tax Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), and MBA-Executive from ICADE. 

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you.

    • Director of Corporate Communication
    • Director of Internal Communication
    • Director of Public Relations and other organizations
    • Director of Communication Agencies
    • Director of Press and Communication Offices at national and international public administrations
    • Director of Public Relations
    • Manager of Social Innovation Projects
    • Director of Communication
  • In order to be admitted to the master's degree it is necessary to hold a bachelor's degree or an engineering, architecture, degree or diploma, preferably in:

    • Graduates in Economics and Business Administration
    • Graduates in Business Sciences
    • Graduates in Business Administration and Management
    • Graduates in Economics
    • Graduates in Advertising and Public Relations
    • Graduates in Market Research and Techniques
    • Graduates in Accounting and Finance
    • Graduates in Marketing
    • Graduates in Commerce

    Students who wish to access the Master's Degree with a previous degree other than those indicated above or who have not taken official Master's Degree programs that include the fundamentals of these degrees, must take complementary courses to level their knowledge in basic sibjects for the areas of specialization of this Master's Degree. These complementary courses will be compulsory, and will be taken before the first semester of the Master; specifically between the last week of August and mid-October. In the event that students have proven experience in the field of business management the Academic Committee will evaluate their possible validation of the training complements depending on the position held and the temporal scope of their business experience.

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You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.