
L'Oréal on Campus

2 y 3 de noviembre en el Salón de Actos del Campus de Joaquín Costa, 41

On November 2 and 3, 41 L'Oréal on Campus Sessions will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Joaquín Costa Campus, aimed at students of the April and October 2022 call for Full Time Masters and that they would love to work in Finance or Operations at L'Oréal.


Session on November 2: Discovering Finance & Talent Keys

L'Oréal's Finance Department will comment on what Finance is like on a day-to-day basis in a multinational company, as well as the value that internships have in such an important department and what it brings to the candidate who has studied a Master in Finance taking into account that the accounting of the company at a European level is centralized in Madrid.

Sign up: https://eae.jobteaser.com/es/events/163517-l-oreal-on-campus-discovering-finance-talent-keys

Session on November 3: Discovering Operations & Talent Keys

Cristina Garzón and Pablo García Fernández from the L'Oréal Operations Department will comment on the challenges faced by a large consumer multinational in terms of logistics and consumer care. As well as their evolution in digitization and the platform they use (NEO).

Sign up: https://eae.jobteaser.com/es/events/163525-l-oreal-on-campus-discovering-operations-talent-keys

Both sessions will be divided into two blocks:

Block 1: What are the challenges that a large consumer multinational faces in terms of logistics and consumer care? Evolution in digitization: NEO platform.

Block 2: The window periods to enter the Company will be discussed. What should the candidate do? How is the selection process? What is the candidate who applies for vacancies in the company like? In general, information about the profile you are looking for. How is onboarding in the company, etc.

Do not hesitate and sign up for the one that interests you the most!