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Recruit EAE

Desde Carreras Profesionales EAE te apoyamos en la búsqueda del Talento más TOP del mercado.

EAE’s Professional Career Service helps you search for the top talent on the market.

Talent Hub

Recruiting students and recent graduates is an effective strategy of innovative organizations striving to build a competitive advantage by attracting recently qualified talent.

At EAE, we boast a new generation of young talent keen to embark on their professional career. The key features of these profiles include their motivation, adaptability and natural ability operating in sustainable, digital environments.

Moreover, our executive profiles are characterized by their level of expertise and their capacity for reinvention, as well as their ability to contribute new ideas and perspectives as a result of their time at EAE.  

As an EAE Partner Company, you can benefit from a set of services adapted to your needs:


3 Territories to conquer

1. Success in changing environments

Lead the transformation of globalized, competitive and specialized businesses.

2. Competency development

Boost executive competencies such as leadership, negotiation, communication in public, people management and intercultural skills.

3. Management in multinational settings

Use strategic thinking, innovation and entrepreneurial capacity to achieve sustainable and lasting competitive advantages.

We can help you publicize vacant positions and screen curriculums, sending you the candidates that best meet your requirements and reducing the time you have to spend on the initial phases of your selection processes.  

Si lo que necesitas es soporte para la creación o desarrollo de proyectos puntuales ¡también podremos apoyarte a través de los Experience Projects! proyectos de corta duración en los que podrás contar con perfiles de diferentes backgrounds y áreas funcionales.  

En el caso de no tener vacantes disponibles, podemos apoyarte con la creación de tu EAE Talent Pool, una cartera de candidatos potenciales para tus necesidades futuras que eventualmente pueda reducirte tiempos y costes en procesos de selección. 

Si lo que buscas es crear impacto y conexión directa con nuestro Talento, ponemos a disposición nuestros campus virtual y presencial para la organización de actividades y eventos que sean de utilidad para darte a conocer, atraer y reclutar el talento que necesitas.  

Talent Day

One of our biggest events is Talent Day, when we connect you with our students, giving you the chance to raise the visibility of your professional opportunities and establish your profile as a top employer brand.

A unique opportunity to interact with high-impact qualified profiles equipped to tackle any business scenario now and in the future.