Experts discuss the role of women in the professional sphere in a round table “Women Leading: Navigating in Public Spaces"
Within the framework of International Women’s Day, EAE Business School Madrid was the venue for a round table entitled “Women Leading: Navigating in Public Spaces". As part of EAE Madrid’s EAE Aware series, the event brought together leading experts in different professional fields to discuss the role of women in the professional sphere and the challenges they have to overcome to reach executive positions.
EAE Aware welcomed the participation of Julia Borque, a representative of the Office of the European Parliament ; Ana Cuenda, from the CSIC (National Biotechnology Centre); María Lozano, from the General Directorate of Transport; Cristina Sancho, from EJE&CON; and Magalí Riera, on behalf of EAE Madrid, who moderated the discussion.
During the event, the experts discussed pressing issues such as the gender pay gap in the professional world, the obstacles that women face to climb the professional ladder, and the necessary strategies already in place to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. Julia Borque highlighted the importance of policies that foster gender equality in all areas of society. “Even though we have reached the highest figures ever, there are still countries that do not even have a single female MEP yet”, she explained.
Ana Cuenda underlined the need for a cultural shift towards valuing and promoting female leadership in all sectors. “There is still a significant lack of role models in the world of science”, she emphasized. Meanwhile, María Lozano shared some of her own experiences and strategies implemented in the General Directorate of Transport to boost women’s participation in positions of leadership. “We have made a lot of progress, but there are still psychological barriers that women are yet to overcome”, she added.
Cristina Sancho, from EJE&CON, stressed the importance of female representation on boards of directors, as well as the need to eliminate gender stereotypes in the workplace. “Women still face obstacles and resistance to make it to executive positions. In my opinion, we have to fight for diverse profiles, without any bias in terms of sex or generation”
Lastly, Magalí Riera, who moderated the discussion, emphasized the importance of events like these to promote and boost the visibility of female talent in the professional sphere. The session finished with a discussion among the attendees, who had the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences. Afterwards, the participants enjoyed some snacks and drinks, giving them the chance to keep exchanging ideas and networking.